Do your hands feel stiff?
Do Your Hands Feel Stiff? A common ailment I saw this past week is stiff hands. Older clients talk about their hands feeling stiff and their grip feeling weak. Younger people will complain about a weak grip and pain at the wrist...
Stop Elbow Pain in 5 Minutes!
Typical Ways to Treat Elbow TendonitisWhether you call it elbow tendonitis, golfer’s elbow, tennis elbow, or just elbow pain, it is all the same. The main difference is whether the pain is on the inside or outside of the elbow. Elbow tendonitis is a more general term,...
Is it Your Back, or Your Hips?
Too many people suffer from low back pain daily. It has been listed as the #1 reason people see a doctor in America. The question is, if so many people are suffering from low back pain and stiffness, then why do we continue to use the same old tools to solve the...
3 Reasons You Cannot Lift Your Arms
One of the most common problems I see as people get older is the inability to raise their arms over their heads. Many struggle to lift their arms straight out in front of their bodies, others cannot lift their arms out to the side, and finally, hardly any of them...
3 Reasons Your Neck Hurts
It probably ain’t your neck! The second most common problem people I see have is, the neck and shoulders. Rarely is the cause from the neck or shoulders. What is surprising is the real reasons why our neck and shoulders hurt. Today I will discuss the three real...
Make Your Wellness More Personalized!
We have all heard of personalized medicine or health care, right? If not, this means that the treatment plan you are given is built specifically for your body. Up to this point we go the doctor or physical therapist and whatever you have, let’s say a bad low back,...
Could Your Food Be Making You Sick?
Food is an interesting topic. While it is vital for our survival, it can kill us if we do not eat the way we were intended to eat. Most older people will complain of stiffness, feeling sluggish, or just plain being tired all the time. Many older people suffer from...
Think You are Too Old to Compete?
Most people believe that once they pass 40, they are too old to compete at anything in life. What we don’t understand is that there are many people who have become successful after reaching their 40th birthday. The most notable name is Tom Brady, who at 44 years old...
Muscle Repair Shop Want to Improve Your Shoulder Range of Motion?
In the last few weeks, shoulder injuries have seemed very common. Most have been simple range of motion issues while a few have been more extreme like a torn muscle. Many people suffer daily with shoulder stiffness believing it is an age thing, when in fact, it is a...
Are You Dealing with a Pain in the Neck?
rendered medically accurate illustration of a man having a painful neck. Pain in the Neck? This week most clients I saw were dealing with neck and/or shoulder pain. Each week tends to have a common thread and this week was no different. For some it was a simple stiff...
The 3 Biggest Mistakes When Stretching
We all make mistakes... It never ceases to amaze me how incorrectly most of us stretch. The way we have been taught our entire lives is the reason why we stretch incorrectly. Some of us are taught static stretching where we hold a stretch for 30 or 60 seconds hoping...
Your Emotions can Create Physical Pain
If physical pain causes you to feel an emotion, how does it happen that emotions cause physical pain? Many of you have heard me talk about muscles being more emotional than physical in regard to the pain you feel. In today’s newsletter, I will share with you an...
The Interview on KineSophy
Let's dive a bit deeper into KineSophy! As most of you know, my philosophy about the muscles of the human body is to keep moving and take care of your muscles by stretching and massaging them to keep your joints lubricated and your body pliable. Additionally, it is...
The Tennis Ball Massage and How It Works
In today’s article, I want to spend some time on the tennis ball massage. I have heard from many of you about the difficulty you are having with the tennis ball. Some complain they are not feeling anything, some say they cannot get the same result as I do with my...
Fix Your Calves Fix Your Feet
If you want to fix your calves, try new shoes. I love my Xero shoes, in fact, I own five pairs of different styles. I have been writing about the shoes on the Xero Shoes Facebook page and explaining how the shoes help us physically. Each of you have listened to me...
3 Best Ways to Prevent Heat Exhaustion
How to heat exhaustion is on everyone's minds these days. Every summer feels like it is hotter than the last and most people talk about how high the humidity is in Florida. I grew up on the east coast of North Carolina and I can tell you the heat and humidity there...
Sitting Too Long Can Actually Kill You
We all know we are living in a time when most people live a sedentary lifestyle. We are sitting too long and not having enough movement in our lives. What we may not know is just how much it can affect the longevity of our lives. In a recent Forbes article, Americans...
Why Good Shoes Cause Foot Pain
Everyone has heard me say over and over that the shoes you wear may be creating your pain. I know, you go to a shoe store and the clerks there recommend a shoe for the specific activity you are doing, but keep in mind they are only trying to stop your pain, not what...
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Sarasota, FL 34239