Most people believe that once they pass 40, they are too old to compete at anything in life. What we don’t understand is that there are many people who have become successful after reaching their 40th birthday. The most notable name is Tom Brady, who at 44 years old led the National Football League in passing and touchdowns is coming back to play at 45. People think it is some kind of a miracle or he is from another planet. The truth is there are plenty of people living around you that are well beyond 45 and are doing things that would shock you. I am lucky enough to get to meet some of them, work with them, and learn from them.

Tom Brady

Today, I want to highlight one of my clients, Mike Bell, who just won the Indiana Mid-Amateur Golf Tournament at 75 years of age. This makes him the oldest person to ever win a state golf tournament in the country. He wasn’t playing with other 75-year-olds–he was playing with men half his age and he beat them!
Mike has been a long-time client of mine and a winter resident of Sarasota. I wish I could take credit for his win, but the credit goes to the hard work Mike has put in and his consistency in never letting up. Click the link below about Mike’s win.


I love hearing about one of you succeeding in your life and this one was worth noting for all of us. I have attached a video below about Mike and what he does in preparation for his golf tournaments. Please keep me posted on any endeavors you are working on so I can highlight you as well. It is inspirational and gives other people hope that they can still succeed no matter their age. My clients surely inspire me every day.
In using my Stretch n’ Release Technique, you are allowing the brain to release the muscles versus brute force that you see in many gyms and physical therapy practices. It takes practice, but once you get it, and you will, your body will feel more energized and vibrant.

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