Fix Your Calves Fix Your Feet

Fix Your Calves Fix Your Feet

If you want to fix your calves, try new shoes. I love my Xero shoes, in fact, I own five pairs of different styles. I have been writing about the shoes on the Xero Shoes Facebook page and explaining how the shoes help us physically. Each of you have listened to me...
Why Good Shoes Cause Foot Pain

Why Good Shoes Cause Foot Pain

Everyone has heard me say over and over that the shoes you wear may be creating your pain. I know, you go to a shoe store and the clerks there recommend a shoe for the specific activity you are doing, but keep in mind they are only trying to stop your pain, not what...
Why Good Shoes Cause Foot Pain

The 3 Biggest Benefits of a Good Shoe

Shoes are a very important part of our lives. We buy them for function, style, comfort, and price. No one can resist their favorite pair of shoes on sale. I bet you buy 2 or more pairs when you see a sale! Some people buy their shoes strictly on style. We ask...
Are We Destined to Lose Balance?

Are We Destined to Lose Balance?

Few things are as unsettling as when we lose balance. Losing balance does not have to be a given as we age. There are things we can do to maintain our balance. Our feet and calves are the most important part of our bodies for mobility and balance, and yet, they are...
Are you Dealing with Foot Pain?

Are you Dealing with Foot Pain?

Foot pain and issues are so prevalent that we have an entire medical profession just for dealing with foot pain. We have created multi-billion-dollar industries for shoes, insoles, and orthotics, just to stop our pain. What is sad is, none of that is working very...