The 5 Worst Low Back Treatments and Why
Most low back pain can be stopped if we treat the correct part of the body. Unfortunately most people treat the wrong area and back pain becomes chronic.
Don’t Blame it on Your Age
Age is not to blame for your aches and pains. It has more to do with lifestyle and how you think each day.
Do This 1 Thing to Improve Flexibility
Lack of flexibility has more to do with your mind than your age. Once you can release your mind, you can release your muscles.
What are You Waiting For?
Are you blowing through life and forgetting about all the people you care about?
Is it Really Your Age?
Age has little to do with the amount of pain suffered. Mostly your lifestyle has more to do with the pain.
#1 Reason People Fail the Fitness Resolution!
Most people fail to get in shape because they become too stiff and feel they cannot continue. Learning to stretch properly can help them get in shape.
3 Reasons People Can't Lose Weight
Most people fail to get in shape because they become too stiff and feel they cannot continue. Learning to stretch properly can help them get in shape.
When is the best time to stretch?
Stretching requires a person to relax their body and not force the movements. Too many times people get hurt by forcing a stretch.
Increase the Distance of your Golf Swing
Understanding how to stretch properly can improve your golf swing and your distance.
Do you Wake Up With a Stiff Low Back?
Understanding how your body balances will help you understand that your back pain is not aback issue.
Do you Wake Up With Morning Back Stiffness?
Understanding how your body balances will help you understand that your back pain is not aback issue.
Stop Foot Pain Without Expensive Tools
Foot pain can be stopped without expensive shoes or inserts.
Elbow Tendonitis, What is it?
Many of my clients come to see me with elbow tendonitis, or golfer's elbow, or tennis elbow. They are all the same. The clients will usually be wearing some sort of an elbow band or brace thinking it will help their elbow. Some clients have even had injections to...
What is Elbow Tendonitis and How to Stop it?
What is elbow tendonitis and how can you stop it? I see people every week with elbow tendonitis, golfer's elbow, or tennis elbow. They are basically the same except golfer's elbow is on the inside of the elbow and tennis elbow is on the outside of the elbow. The...
Want to Improve your Distance in Golf?
Golfer’s ankles can determine how far they can hit the ball. Freeing up your ankles will improve your swing.
Stiff Ankles Can Affect Your Golf Swing
Golfer’s ankles can determine how far they can hit the ball. Freeing up your ankles will improve your swing.
Why Do Golfers Suffer From Back Pain?
This blog will explain why golfers typically have back and knee pain.
How to Prepare for Old Age?
Learn how to prepare for old age and prevent typical ailments of old age.
1217 East South Dr., Suite 207
Sarasota, FL 34239