Reduce Muscle Tightness in Minutes

Reduce Muscle Tightness in Minutes

Reduce muscle tightness in minutes with nothing more than a tennis ball in a sock. Too many people are buying expensive gadgets to reduce their muscle tightness. There is no magic in the tennis ball and there is certainly no magic in the expensive gadget. Some gadgets...

3 Steps to Aging Better

Retired Man Pensioner Suffering Knee Pain at Home. How you age is your choice, it’s not just luck. There are 3 steps to aging better. The sooner you start, the quicker the results. It does seem that some people age faster than others, biologically. Of course,...

5 Steps to Age Better

Aging is a funny thing! Some people seem much older than they actually are and others seem younger than they are. Why does this happen and can I be younger than my actual age? Is there a formula, I can follow? Since we all have very different bodies, nothing is...
Muscles are Complicated

Muscles are Complicated

Why are muscles complicated? We know what to do for basic muscle pain. We can take an over the counter pain pill, heating pad, ice, or a brace. What if it is joint pain or worse yet, back pain? Do we understand that too can be a muscle issue? Chances are, we do not...

Your Feet can Cause Back Pain!

Young adult male with his muscle pain during running. runner man having back body ache due to Piriformis Syndrome, Low Back Pain, and Spinal Compression. Sports injuries and medical concept It is true, “Your feet can cause back pain.” Just last week I had...
Learn to Move Better With Age

Learn to Move Better With Age

Learn to move better as you age. Yes, that is possible. The most fun I have with clients are the ones over 80 years old and are still kicking it in high gear. How many times have you heard people say, well at your age you need to slow down, or maybe you have said it...