The 3 Best Stretches to do Every Day

The 3 Best Stretches to do Every Day

What are the 3 best stretches to do every day? Stretching should be done every day and in this post, I have listed the 3 most important stretches. Most people may believe they stretch, but most people are doing either strength training or stamina training. Think of...
Why is Sciatica so Mistreated?

Why is Sciatica so Mistreated?

Why is sciatica so mistreated?. Sciatica doesn’t happen as often as you may think. Anytime someone has a pain running down their leg, they may assume it is sciatica and even their doctor may make the wrong assumption. Actual Sciatica is the pinching of the...

Your Feet can Cause Back Pain!

Young adult male with his muscle pain during running. runner man having back body ache due to Piriformis Syndrome, Low Back Pain, and Spinal Compression. Sports injuries and medical concept It is true, “Your feet can cause back pain.” Just last week I had...

Prevent Home Maintenance Injuries

Sorry, I have been away for a little while, but my wife and I have had our house totally re-modeled which required us to move out for two months. Oh, we also took a flight to Paris in the middle of all this too! Anyway, we have been helping our contractors do some of...