Reduce muscle tightness in minutes with nothing more than a tennis ball in a sock. Too many people are buying expensive gadgets to reduce their muscle tightness. There is no magic in the tennis ball and there is certainly no magic in the expensive gadget. Some gadgets...
The Best Self-Massage Technique!
The best self-massage technique is your hand. The biggest misunderstanding about massage is, I need to be educated in muscles. If you want to be a massage therapist that would be correct. However, to massage yourself, no so much. What you do need to know is how to do...
Back Pain: 4 Exercises that Will Not Help
Back pain: 4 exercises that will not help will target the 4 most common exercises that will not help your back. I will discuss why they don't work and what you can do to actually help your back. Here they are: Bending down and touching your toes.Getting on the floor,...
Relieve Back Pain – The #3 Reason for Doctor Visits
Bottom line: you want to relieve back pain. That's one of the top reasons people visit the doctor as they age. Have you ever gotten up from the bed and felt a horrible pain in your back? After sitting for a while, you stand up, and you get back pain? Or, if you stand...
The 3 Best Stretches to do Every Day
What are the 3 best stretches to do every day? Stretching should be done every day and in this post, I have listed the 3 most important stretches. Most people may believe they stretch, but most people are doing either strength training or stamina training. Think of...
Are you Aging Faster Than You Think?
Are you aging faster than you think? It is actually true that some people age faster than other people biologically. Of course, chronologically that is not true. We have all seen friends and family members that never seem to age and once we learn their age, we are...
3 Steps to Aging Better
Retired Man Pensioner Suffering Knee Pain at Home. How you age is your choice, it's not just luck. There are 3 steps to aging better. The sooner you start, the quicker the results. It does seem that some people age faster than others, biologically. Of course,...
5 Steps to Age Better
Aging younger requires the right mindset before you can improve your body. Learn the 5 steps to aging younger.
Are you Losing your Grip?
Weakness in your hands may mean your hands and wrist are stiff. Strength training may actually make it worse. Learn how to reduce the weakness.
Why is Sciatica so Mistreated?
Sciatica is misdiagnosed a lot. Learn what can cause the pain and how to stop it.