How to stop low back pain can be very difficult, yet very simple. Back pain is what drove my education and now my business. After I retired on January 1, 2000, I would spend my days working odd jobs. My wife and I started looking for a new home. We sold one home and moved into one of our rental homes which meant moving a whole house full of furniture. We stayed there for only a few months until we bought the house we currently live in. This meant moving again. After we moved into our new home, of course we wanted to spruce it up inside and out. This meant painting on the inside, carpet cleaning, and attaching various things to the walls like pictures and shelves. I don’t have to tell you, I was suffering badly.
Why can’t we stop back pain?
Like many of you trying to stop low back pain, I went to doctors, therapists, and anyone else that had a remedy, but none of them could stop it. They could slow or stop the pain temporarily, but as soon as I started to do anything physical, my back went into a spasm. I did not want to live like that forever. Healthcare practitioners study the anatomy of the body, including the muscles. They know the names of many of the muscles and what they move. The difference for me was I could see the relationship between the muscles and the bones, nerves, and circulatory system. I could see how their interrelation caused my pain. Our health care system is a symptom-based system. We need a chronic based system that can identify movements that can set off pain. What I saw was, I didn’t have a back problem, I had a thigh and inner thigh problem.
I studied Neuromuscular massage which will release the tightness in the muscles. In school, I learned that my hands were magic, which is not true. The magic to releasing your muscles has more to do with your brain. The second thing I did was to take a class with Aaron Mattes to learn his  Active Isolated Stretching Technique. Next, I attended a class taught by a researcher from the University of Washington, who spoke about brain health. He taught me how the anticipation of pain causes our brain to tighten muscles to prevent the pain. By combining all these techniques, which is my Stretch n’ Release Technique, together I was able to stop my pain and have it never return. To learn more check this out
How to Stop the Pain
How to stop low back pain begins with when do you feel it the most. Do you feel most when standing for a while, stand up after sitting, or when you get out of bed? This could mean the front of your thighs, inner thighs, or hip rotation muscles are tight which will pull the pelvis forward causing a kink in your low back.  If your low back hurts after sitting for a while, then it is probably your hamstrings. There are some simple stretches you can do that can solve your pain in just s few days. You can see videos of these stretches at
The thing I would suggest doing is get a tennis ball and place it in a sock. Place the ball between your hip and the wall. Press gently and do not roll it around. You are using the ball to find sore spots in your hip. When you find one stay there and do not increase the pressure. Too much pressure and you cannot breathe to relax the muscle. You may have to breathe out 2 or 3 times before it releases. Once it releases you can press as hard as you want and it will not be painful. Do this all over your hip and be sure to do the other side. I would suggest my quad stretch and medial hip stretch. my quad is different from what you ay do at the gym because the quad stretch where you stand is not effective for your back.
You can do This
I would do these stretches every morning and evening for the first 2 weeks. then 2-3 times per week for the rest of your life. Like your pet, we must stretch daily to maintain pain-free living. That does mean a stretch class. if you follow me I will show you how to stretch without taking up a lot of time during your day. In fact, when it becomes a habit, you will stretch anywhere you are at the moment. Learn more at

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