
Are You Living with Knee Pain?

Are You Living with Knee Pain?

In America, roughly 1in 3 people suffer from knee pain nationwide. According to Classic Rehabilitation, Inc, 100 million Americans suffer from knee pain and it is the second most common chronic pain.  There are 600,000 knees replaced annually, according to the...

Self-Message to Stop the Pain

Self-Message to Stop the Pain

My Stretch n’ Release Technique requires you to do three things including self-massage to stop your pain. The first key is stretching, the second is self-massage, and the third is releasing from the mind. Today I want to begin with self-massage and why that is so...

Sitting too Much is as Bad as Smoking!

Sitting too Much is as Bad as Smoking!

The average person over 65 is sitting too much. For example, the average person sits while watching TV 6.5 hours a day. Usually in a recliner, and you know how I feel about recliners. I digress, but movement is key to a healthier body. Notice I didn’t say exercise. I...

Is it a Headache or Neck Pain?

Is it a Headache or Neck Pain?

Have you ever experienced discomfort that was hard to tell if it was a headache or neck pain? Last week I was on vacation in North Carolina and I spent time with my family. Although we had a great time, one evening I woke up with a terrible headache, except it wasn’t...

Are you Dealing with Foot Pain?

Are you Dealing with Foot Pain?

Foot pain and issues are so prevalent that we have an entire medical profession just for dealing with foot pain. We have created multi-billion-dollar industries for shoes, insoles, and orthotics, just to stop our pain. What is sad is, none of that is working very...

Do you have shoulder pain shooting down your arm?

Do you have shoulder pain shooting down your arm?

Each week I see people coming into my office with pain starting at the top of the shoulder and then runs down their arm. Most of the pain seems to be in the deltoid area or the top of the arm. Many clients have gone to doctors, physical therapists, and tried gadgets...

Are You Strength Training or Stretching?

Are You Strength Training or Stretching?

Are you ever confused about the difference between strength training or stretching? This is a question I ask most of my clients when they are showing me the stretches they have been doing. Although my intent is not to make fun of what they are doing, but to have fun...

What You Need to Know About Pain and the Brain

What You Need to Know About Pain and the Brain

Sometimes for me it is hard to watch people trying to walk as I can see the pain in their faces. It feels like they can barely put one foot in front of the other. They are seeing doctors, therapists, and taking pills to alleviate the pain, yet they look like they are...

Do Your Thumbs Hurt?

Do Your Thumbs Hurt?

"My thumbs hurt!!" More and more people come into my office and complain of pain at the base of their thumbs. Usually, the joint right next to the wrist. You cannot open your hands, gripping things become difficult, and the pain can radiate while sitting and doing...

How to Stop Elbow Tendonitis

How to Stop Elbow Tendonitis

It's not just tennis players that want to stop elbow tendonitis. Tennis elbow, or lateral epicondylitis, affects up to 3% of the population and up to 50% of tennis players according to the Cleveland Clinic. Tennis elbow is when you have pain on the outside knot of the...

Learn Hoe Relieve Your Pain
