Do your hips feel tight? Can you sit in a chair and place an ankle on the opposite knee without using your hand to help? If you can get your foot on top of your knee, does your knee lay flat? Have you noticed that walking has become a little more difficult? If any of...
Want to Buy a Recliner? For Your Health, Think Twice
Do You Have Recliner Thighs? When you want to buy a recliner, you are not alone. In nearly every home in America, you will find at least one recliner. Many homes will even have two, a His and a Hers. Now we have sofas and love seats that are recliners. Recently, we...
Which is Better, Muscle Pliability or Flexibility?
With stretching being the rage these days, we should probably know the difference between muscle pliability or flexibility. There are companies like Stretch Zone and Stretch Lab, and it seems that every massage therapy store now has a stretching therapist. With all...
Is Willpower a Myth?
There is the belief that all you need is willpower to accomplish anything. Some people may say that the problem for most people is that they lack willpower and are lazy, which is why they fail. We have heard sports announcer say, this athlete willed their team to...
Are You Living to Eat or Eating to Live?
In most areas of our country, we are so fortunate to have more food than we could ever eat. But, there are many areas in the world, and even in our own country, where this is not the case. Eating food is how we fuel our body, heal our body, and energize our body to...
Chronic Stress can Lead to Stiffness
We have heard that stress kills, correct? There is more to the story. Stress is beneficial for your body until it becomes chronic, meaning constant all day, every day. Most think of stress as a person worrying over money, health, family, or any of the big things....
Why Your Thumbs Hurt
Ever wonder why your thumbs hurt. The top complaint I hear each week about hand pain is about the thumb, specifically, the base of the thumb. There are good reasons for this pain beyond arthritis. Many times, I see women having more issues with the thumb than men, not...
Are We Destined to Lose Balance?
Few things are as unsettling as when we lose balance. Losing balance does not have to be a given as we age. There are things we can do to maintain our balance. Our feet and calves are the most important part of our bodies for mobility and balance, and yet, they are...
Do You Have a Stiff Neck?
We have all suffered from a stiff neck, a crick in the neck, or torticollis. It usually leads to headaches or tight jaws due to the pain. It is also a safety hazard when driving or just walking around. Ever wonder why the automobile industry created the backup camera?...
Are you Tired of Tight Shoulders?
I would say that easily more than half my clients come to see me with tight shoulders and a stiff neck. What’s funny is, when I see a new client, I can almost predict with 95% accuracy that they will have stiff shoulders and neck. Our lives today pretty much guarantee...