Everyone knows about getting our muscles stronger, but did you know that strength training can actually have long negative effects on your body?
How to be More Flexible Over 50
How to be more flexible over 50. That has been my personal quest. It is funny how we teach each other that aging has to be a terrible thing. I remember before I turned 50, my friends started to tease me about how bad I would feel from that point on. They made it...
Here is a Method That is helping Golfer's Improve their Swing
Hitting a golf ball farther takes more than just technique. It requires the flexibility to rotate your body to put you in position to use the technique better.
Most Tennis Stretches Don’t Work and Here’s Why!
Most typical tennis stretches do not help and may even cause injuries. Learn the best way to prepare for your next tennis game.
The 5 Worst Low Back Treatments and Why
Most low back pain can be stopped if we treat the correct part of the body. Unfortunately most people treat the wrong area and back pain becomes chronic.
Don’t Blame it on Your Age
Age is not to blame for your aches and pains. It has more to do with lifestyle and how you think each day.
Do This 1 Thing to Improve Flexibility
Lack of flexibility has more to do with your mind than your age. Once you can release your mind, you can release your muscles.
What are You Waiting For?
Are you blowing through life and forgetting about all the people you care about?
Is it Really Your Age?
Age has little to do with the amount of pain suffered. Mostly your lifestyle has more to do with the pain.
#1 Reason People Fail the Fitness Resolution!
Most people fail to get in shape because they become too stiff and feel they cannot continue. Learning to stretch properly can help them get in shape.