Are you ready to stop your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? Nearly 10 million people per year suffer from Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS) each year in America. We are clear on the symptoms and that is caused by repetitive movements. Every health care practitioner can explain that the pain comes from the 4 tendons running through the carpal tunnel on the bottom side of your wrist are inflamed and presses against the median nerve in the carpal tunnel. The question is, what causes the tendons to inflame?
What Really Causes CTS
Before you can stop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, you need why you have it. It is true that inflammation of the tendons in the wrist is pressing against the median nerve that runs through the wrist. That is not the cause, but what is actually happening at the moment. However, the real cause is from using your hands doing repetitive things like typing. To explain this further, there are 26 muscles between your elbow and the tips of the fingers. All of these muscles allow you to open and close, rotate and bend your hand in many different directions. The more you use these muscles, the harder and tighter they get. As muscles harden, they can press against nerves, like the one in your wrist, which will cause tremendous pain. To see more information go to
How to stop CTS
There is a way to stop your Carpal Tunnel Syndrome without braces, injections, or surgery. Since nothing is broken or torn, braces will only cause the muscles to atrophy which will make matters worse. Injections work short term, but then it just comes back. Surgery hs had the most success, but if no one tells you how to prevent it from coming back, you could have a lifetime of surgeries.
The only way to stop Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is to massage it plus a couple of simple stretches for your wrist and forearm. When you are massaging your forearm just t use your thumb to press in various spots on your forearm looking for sore spots. When you find one, maintain the pressure, and breathe allowing your brain to release those muscles. Your forearms should be as soft as cotton candy regardless of how strong you are. Both sides may be painful, especially the bottom side, so be gentle. You are not going to force it out.
The first stretch is to stand next to a table that you can place your hand flat on the table. Make sure your fingers are pointing behind you and lean into the stretch. Not too hard as your brain will fight with you, but just enough that you can begin to feel the stretch. Breathe and let your brain release the muscles in your forearm. The second stretch, make a light fist with the affected hand and bend the elbow. Place the opposite hand on top of your fist and gently pull down.  This will stretch the fingers that are tight from gripping too hard. Finally, place both hands together, like you are praying, keep both against your stomach and press one hand down to stretch the bottom wrist. Be sure to always do both sides in each of these exercises. You can see free videos go to
If you have more questions you can contact me at

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