Imagine waking up pain-free every morning and ready to do whatever you want!

Our Stretch n Release Technique Relieves Your Muscles and the Pain.

Are you tired of chronic pain?

Frustrated with failed treatments?


Too many people are frustrated with traditional treatments for body aches and pain which don’t produce lasting results.

Functional massage therapist Butch Phelps has developed a proven combination of stretching and breathwork that provides lasting relief for people of all ages.

You never have to settle for an aching, aging body!

The Stretch ‘n Release Technique teaches you to stretch in new ways that can unlock your full potential and optimal body range of movement.

A session, in person or online/Zoom with functional muscle expert Butch Phelps helps you identify the true origin of your pain. Frequently a less optimal movement, misalignment or repetitive use is the culprit.

Next, Butch will guide you through stretches that address the originating tight muscles that are producing the pain.

Your session ends with the assignment of daily homework or stretches with breathwork that will reinforce the relaxation of the muscles and promote further flexibility long after your time with Butch.

And that’s not all! Butch offers tips on how to avoid body aches with proper movement and the opportunity to enroll for ongoing video support and a weekly newsletter with stretch videos.

Butch Phelps - Founder Of The Muscle Repair Shop

I’m Butch Phelps, founder of The Muscle Repair Shop and the Stretch n Release Technique.

My mission is to help you regain the freedom of movement you once had and age more pain-free. I created the “Stretch n’ Release Technique” after 15 years of studying Aging Sciences, Neuromuscular Massage, Active Isolated Stretching, and how the brain affects our ability to release our muscles. This was out of necessity to solve my own pain, more than just pure education.

My patients benefit from the release of pain through guided stretch sessions, daily homework, and instructional videos to support a healthy stretching habit.

My Story

Like many of you, I was a back pain sufferer brought on by years of not knowing how my body worked. At age 18 I was in a severe car crash that left me with a broken pelvis and a broken upper arm. By my mid-thirties I weighed over 300 lbs. and spent 18 months losing 105 lbs. I learned how to never gain it back. I then worked out like crazy and built a body that everyone would envy on the outside, but I was dying on the inside. You see in all that time, no one talked to me about the true role my muscles played.

At age 40, I was in terrible shape. I would crawl out of my car on my hands, then pull myself upright with the door handles. I would get out of bed by rolling off onto my knees and walking up the handles on my dresser just to stand. Sitting or standing for long periods created more pain. I am sure you can probably relate. I tell you this, so you understand my technique was created out of necessity for me. That was 20 years ago and I am in better shape today and have no pain compared to that time.

What People Say About Stretch n Release 

HI am a retired Army Special Forces Officer who has over 270 jumps from airplanes. I have had severe issues with my back and legs since my retirement in 2007 and had been in treatment for years. Butch was recommended to me by a friend and has simply put, been the best investment I have made for my personal health in years. Trust me I tried them all!

After a couple of weeks of following Butch’s instruction and implementing his programs into my daily stretching, I can without a doubt express this is the best treatment I have undergone for my issues. Butch is VERY insightful, patient (I ask many, many questions of which he answered each one thoroughly), and explains things in “layman” terms. He is also very proficient and makes sure you understand what he is doing, what he recommends, and why!

I know when I leave a session with him, I am leaving with knowledge and the ability to assist me in continuing an active life. I recommend him with the HIGHEST regard if you are genuinely interested in “fixing” not “masking” your back and leg pain issues. You will not be disappointed!

Leo Cadogan

Butch gives no-nonsense training in stretching techniques that fixed my lower back and eliminated stubborn tennis elbow. I also bought five stretching sessions that reinforced the training and gave me a jump start on my home care. My doctor sent me to The Muscle Shop and I am so grateful he did.

Bill M

Truly a miracle.  I have been struggling with a mid-right back issue for over ten years with countless trips to back specialists, PTs, and Chiropractors with little to no improvement.  Butch literally fixed me in one visit.  I walked out to the parking lot and had tears of joy in my eyes.  I can’t stop smiling.


D. Norsworthy

Here's How to Get Started


Schedule a Session

You can call or click to schedule your session with Butch. If you still want to learn more, try the 30 min. complimentary session on Zoom.


Breathe and Learn as You Stretch with Butch

Butch will ask questions and gently stretch your body to fully understand the source of the pain. He will coach you on the breathing and mind aspects of the Stretch N Release Technique.


Continue To Stretch Daily As the Pain Goes Away

You will have videos to follow as you learn how to make stretching part of your daily routine. This way you will feel the pain release along with your muscles and stay that way.

Can Chronic Stress Lead to Stiffness?

Read the blog article in Tips & Useful Info

Which is better, pliability or flexibility?

Read the blog article in Tips & Useful Info

Can You Run Without Pain?

Read the blog article in Tips & Useful Info

4 Keys to Living a Healthy Life

Read the blog article in Tips & Useful Info

When Stretching is Really Strength Training

Read the blog article in Tips & Useful Info

Other Ways to Learn About Stretch N Release and Connect with Butch Phelps

Butch Phelps Youtube Channel

When you subscribe to The Muscle Repair Shop YouTube channel you get access to free videos and notifications for new uploads.

The Muscle Repair Shop Podcast

Coming Soon! The Muscle Repair Shop Podcast

You will be able to listen to Butch as he shares his expertise and talks with other health-focused professionals dedicated to helping you live your best life.

The Muscle Repair Shop - Subscribe to Newsletter



1217 East South Dr., Suite 207
Sarasota, FL 34239


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